My story...

I left Vancouver on April 4 2010 to live one year abroad. I arrived in London- spent a week with my cousins, headed over to Ireland to see some more cousins and tour the country, back to London for a day- and arrived in Paris on April 28th, 2010. I found an apartment and started working on May 10th. From May 2010 until February 2011 I lived the Parisian life and took advantage of living in the epicenter of the world by traveling and exploring numerous nearby countries such as: Algeria, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the south of France, Belgium, Morocco, and South Africa.
This blog takes you into the wonderful adventures of my life with stories and pictures galore.
I was due back to Vancouver on April 1, 2011- where I took my position back after my one year leave. I flew back to Vancouver on March 27, 2011. It has been good to be back- I am so blessed as I am surrounded by such great people!!! So good to see friends and family again after 1 year!
Just because I'm back in Vancouver to what was my "normal" life... doesn't mean the adventures and blogging stop here. The adventures will continue I'm sure... so
the only way to stay informed with my random experiences is to come back to this page! So add it to your favourites.

last updated: April 2, 2011.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Music cont'd: Don't be shy & Live shows

So back onto music for a second... two things... I was walking through the shops in London, walked by a store that wasn't really my style but went in because of this INTENSELY amazing song that was being played... i thought, what do I have to lose... walked backed, browsed the shop a bit, totally not interested the clothes, but asked the salesperson what the song/dj was that was being played...she said, "Hey that's so cool that you asked, I have no idea, but lets go ask my manager." So we went upstairs and asked... and he wrote down the name for me after asking twice to repeat himself (still getting used to the English accent)... so here it is... he said it was a funky dance track about 5 years ago and i totally love it:

Stonebridge ft Therese- Put Em High

Lesson: Ask when you hear or see something you like, go and ask where it's from... what do you have to lose?

So on Thursday night my cousin Alia and her friend Sara treated me to a concert at the Empire in Shephards Bush.... we went and saw Joshua Radin. I love going to concerts where I don't know the person and am introduced to a new band or singer...although I do like to do a little research on youtube beforehand, just so I know what I'm getting myself into.

So the opener for Joshua Radin was a local british band called The Staves... they were good, a lil mellow, but beautiful voices.

The following act was a girl named.

OH MY GOODNESSSSSSS... okay i was just browsing links looking for a song to show you the staves and found this:

SOOOOO COOOOLL!!!!! THERE'S A GUITAR NAMED AFTER MEEEEE!!!!! this is a sign... I told quite a few people that I wanted to learn the guitar while in France... now I must, and I must buy a Farida Guitar!!!! THAT'S THE COOLEST THING!!!!! I literally saw this right now! awesome!!!!!! the stars are aligning!

In the four short years since Farida guitars first arrived on these shores, they have developed an awesome reputation for quality and workmanship, building on a groundswell of interest and support across the board. Rarely, if ever, does a new guitar brand unite opinion as this one has, leaving everyone from critics to session players, from fledgling players to lifelong industry professionals all equally wowed by the sound and playability of these instruments. Testament to this is the scope of players featured here. No one on this website is a model or paid endorsee, they are all simply satisfied customers, happy to stand up and be counted as members of the ever growing ‘Farida family’. This breadth of appeal is the key to Farida’s success so far, coming from nowhere to become the best-selling guitar brand in every retail outlet which stocks them.

The gulf in quality between these guitars and similarly-priced contemporaries is instantly apparent, and this is as true at the top end of their range as it is at entry level, making Farida the first choice for the increasing numbers of players who value sound over brand.

The best way to see why these guitars are so special is to play one, an experience we highly recommend. In the meantime you can use this website to hear and see a selection of these fantastic instruments being played by one of the growing numbers of pro UK players choosing Farida over the big name alternatives. With members from bands as diverse as The Shadows and The Wombats turning to Farida to give them the sound they want, it is easy to see why Farida find themselves in the position of being a new brand that already has something of a cult status.

okay... sorry, back to the blog. the following act was a girl named Lissie who was really cool, kind of rucky...super cool chick!

And then there was Joshua Radin..he put on a really good show, interacting with the audience... was very 'real'. His music is good, he's down to earth, he's cute... i approve!

Anyways, it was a spectacular concert and am so thankful to my lovely cousin for introducing me to 3 new artists!

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