My story...

I left Vancouver on April 4 2010 to live one year abroad. I arrived in London- spent a week with my cousins, headed over to Ireland to see some more cousins and tour the country, back to London for a day- and arrived in Paris on April 28th, 2010. I found an apartment and started working on May 10th. From May 2010 until February 2011 I lived the Parisian life and took advantage of living in the epicenter of the world by traveling and exploring numerous nearby countries such as: Algeria, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the south of France, Belgium, Morocco, and South Africa.
This blog takes you into the wonderful adventures of my life with stories and pictures galore.
I was due back to Vancouver on April 1, 2011- where I took my position back after my one year leave. I flew back to Vancouver on March 27, 2011. It has been good to be back- I am so blessed as I am surrounded by such great people!!! So good to see friends and family again after 1 year!
Just because I'm back in Vancouver to what was my "normal" life... doesn't mean the adventures and blogging stop here. The adventures will continue I'm sure... so
the only way to stay informed with my random experiences is to come back to this page! So add it to your favourites.

last updated: April 2, 2011.

Thursday 29 April 2010

It worked...

Thank you for your responses!

I am sorry I have been so delayed on the posts... I've been super busy trying to find a home here in Paris. I will update everyone when I have news... all I can tell you now is that it's quite difficult.

Phone- check
Bank account- check

Monday is the big day!!!! Will let everyone know!!!

Feeling a bit frustrated, but it is only day I must be patient.

I haven't actually enjoyed Paris for what it is yet, other than a crepe with Nutella and Banana...but a couple of girls from the hostel and I are going to go out for a Parisian dinner tomorrow night! How exciting! Then maybe some dancing too!

Anyways, thank you again for your comments, keep them coming :)

Hope everyone is well!


  1. You're only three days in, don't worry! You will have plenty of time to enjoy the life of a parisienne. Nothing is going away anytime soon :) Enjoy the sites, enjoy the food, enjoy the wine, enjoy the beautiful language!

  2. Paris is a lovely city - hang in there Farida. Thanks to all of the family - Gamiets, Hunters and Fortunes for your generosity in welcoming her.

  3. Farida,
    Thanks for the virtual tour - you've taken us all along with you on this trip. It sounds like you're having a great time. Keep up the interesting posts - we need to know what's happening on "our" trip.
    PS: Vasco and Nunez sound like the best travelling mates!
