My story...

I left Vancouver on April 4 2010 to live one year abroad. I arrived in London- spent a week with my cousins, headed over to Ireland to see some more cousins and tour the country, back to London for a day- and arrived in Paris on April 28th, 2010. I found an apartment and started working on May 10th. From May 2010 until February 2011 I lived the Parisian life and took advantage of living in the epicenter of the world by traveling and exploring numerous nearby countries such as: Algeria, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the south of France, Belgium, Morocco, and South Africa.
This blog takes you into the wonderful adventures of my life with stories and pictures galore.
I was due back to Vancouver on April 1, 2011- where I took my position back after my one year leave. I flew back to Vancouver on March 27, 2011. It has been good to be back- I am so blessed as I am surrounded by such great people!!! So good to see friends and family again after 1 year!
Just because I'm back in Vancouver to what was my "normal" life... doesn't mean the adventures and blogging stop here. The adventures will continue I'm sure... so
the only way to stay informed with my random experiences is to come back to this page! So add it to your favourites.

last updated: April 2, 2011.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Parisians...where do I begin?

Well.... having been here for a week now, I have met my fair share of parisians. Here are some of my experiences in point form:

The man at the Market
So a German- Kathrin, Australian- Cora, and I decided to check out this world famous market last weekend. We were walking around, checking out the African jewelry, antiques, shoes, leather items, and then I saw a stand with a hats. I decided to try on a really cute one and my friends were like "Hey, that looks good on you" so I asked to see the mirror. He passed the mirror over and said (in French) "It is a 12 euro hat, but today, I will give it to you for 10euro." So I was humming and hawing, looking in the mirror for a minute or two and then casually asked him if I could buy it for 8euro. Is this not what you're supposed to do at markets?! Bargain?! This is what I thought you were supposed to do... but then all of a sudden..................wait for it............. he started yelling at me (in English) "GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE ME THE HAT, NO! NO! NO! GET OUT, GO, GET OUT." I was so shocked, my mouth dropped, was standing there, stunned, and looked at my friends...Kathrin picked up a fancier type hat and then he yelled at her too, "GET OUT, YOU TOO, GO. TOO EXPENSIVE FOR YOU 20 EURO FOR THAT HAT, TOO EXPENSIVE, GO!"

oh my gosh.... you don't understand. we were shocked. absolutely shocked.

So...later that evening the German girl and I went to a club and we were sitting beside this guy. He asked me how my time was so far in Paris, and I told him about what happened earlier today at the market. We got into a mini debate/discussion (in French) about French people being rude, and he was telling me that he probably has a wife and family to feed. And yes, fine, I understand that. But I would have GLADLY payed the 10euro had he said, "I'm sorry, I can't go any lower than 10 euro." And... lets just say, I had the last word. That was my longest conversation in French so far this trip.

The woman and young man trying to help me find my way
I am hopeless at reading these maps. In Canada I have such a good sense of direction...not here. Anyways, I was trying to find my way in this neighbourhood to view a flat... and this wonderful woman stopped and asked me if I needed help. I said, yes please, and she took the book and was trying to figure out where we were and how to get to my destination. Then this nice young man came over and saw we needed help, so he got on his Blackberry and put on the GPS and pointed me in the right direction. Two nice people to cancel out the mean hat man.

The taxi driver
My second longest conversation in French was in the taxi on the way back to our hostel after a night of dancing. The man was very nice, we were talking about how he has family in Toronto and all sorts of stuff.

The sales people
There are some sales people that have been quite friendly. they have been providing me with the proper vocabulary and that understand that I'm trying OR there are people that respond in English, then I respond in French, them in English, and voila... a conversation where we BOTH get to practice our 2nd language!

When trying to set up an appointment
It is ridiculous. I tried to view so many places where people cancelled, delayed, didn't respond... not very punctual...that's for sure!

Men in Bars
It's wonderful... I walk by bars and see groups of men standing at the bar, having a beer or espresso, gambling on horse racing, screaming and yelling. The best part about this picture is their feet. They're all standing around the bar (not sitting on bar stools) with litter all over the floor- sugar packets from the coffee, papers scrunched up where they lost a bet, etc. I will get a picture.. I am determined. Wait for it!

3pm-6pm Pedestrians
From 3-6pm - aka pedestrian rush hour, people are on their way home from work, baguette in hand for their dinner. I don't know why more seagulls don't immigrate here.... there's always half baguettes over the side walk.

That's it for now!!!


  1. OMHat... as Aya would say!
    You scavenger you.. And I thought I was bad?!
    You certainly drive a hard bargain.. so hard you drove yourself out his shop!! Hahahaha

  2. i love reading all your stories freeds! sounds like you are having an amazing time and wonderful experiences......except for the crazy hat guy!! hehehe
