My story...

I left Vancouver on April 4 2010 to live one year abroad. I arrived in London- spent a week with my cousins, headed over to Ireland to see some more cousins and tour the country, back to London for a day- and arrived in Paris on April 28th, 2010. I found an apartment and started working on May 10th. From May 2010 until February 2011 I lived the Parisian life and took advantage of living in the epicenter of the world by traveling and exploring numerous nearby countries such as: Algeria, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the south of France, Belgium, Morocco, and South Africa.
This blog takes you into the wonderful adventures of my life with stories and pictures galore.
I was due back to Vancouver on April 1, 2011- where I took my position back after my one year leave. I flew back to Vancouver on March 27, 2011. It has been good to be back- I am so blessed as I am surrounded by such great people!!! So good to see friends and family again after 1 year!
Just because I'm back in Vancouver to what was my "normal" life... doesn't mean the adventures and blogging stop here. The adventures will continue I'm sure... so
the only way to stay informed with my random experiences is to come back to this page! So add it to your favourites.

last updated: April 2, 2011.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Paris, the summer, and I

As it is the last day of summer today, I thought it would be quite fitting to share with you what my summer experience was like in and around Paris.

Fitting photo to begin with: Great shoes, great poster, and a great book: "The Sweet life in Paris" by David Lebovitz. I highly recommend this book, it speaks so much truth about Paris. I read it and giggled to myself almost every page because the experiences David has had in Paris, I myself have had over and over again too... sooo good!!!! And his recipes are fabulous as well!!!!

Well...although I missed B.C.'s lakes and BBQ's... I was able to do some of that myself here as well... Isabelle, Roseni, Segio, Mauricio and I went out to a lake where you have to pay to fish. It's funny because they dump the fish in the lake and you pay them to catch it. The catch is you don't need a fishing license, where as with all other lakes, you do.
Roseni caught the first fish...
Isabelle caught the second....
And I caught the 3rd and 4th... leave it up to the girls to do the work....
The guys caught nothing....
In return...they get the dirty work!

And Roseni put her expert skills into the cooking of the fruits of our labour...
MMMmmmm... SOooo good!!!

There's the wilderness, and there's the city life... here are some random experiences...

Eating a delicious prawn from the famous Stohrer..mMMmmm
Watching La Tour de France....
Going to the INCREDIBLE Yves Saint-Laurent exhibit at the Petit Palais...

A balance is always required... so back out to the nature we go....

Picnics in the park....
A Brazilian BBQ feast!!!!
Yummmmm...this Halal steak was SOOooooOOoo good with salt, pepper, lime juice, and smoke from the BBQ...
Isabelle...finishing the red wine...again...
Diogo and I!
Sergio and Diogo!

Back to the city we go....

Hanging out eating a vanilla macaron with fresh raspberries in the Jardin du Luxembourg with Geoffrey...

Vasco and Nunez getting a bite!!!
Ashley, Yannick, Geoffrey, and I attending ciné en plein air= outdoor theatre!!!

Geoffrey and I making a fabulous meal with fresh veggies from the garden, mini toasts, and all sorts of goodies!

Opposite side of the spectrum, therefore still emphasizing balance and equilibrium... eating some poutine!!! Isabelle's first poutine experience, but it won't be the last....we will return to the Canadian pub when hockey season's well underway to give her the true experience!!!!

Ashley and I under the Eiffel Tower... it was so fabulous having a friend from Abbotsford in town for a month!!!!!!!
The lack of a lake or the ocean can really get to Parisians, so the city decides to set up "Paris Plages" every year beside the Seine river.

Paris-Plages ("Paris Beaches"; till 2006 Paris-Plage in the singular) is a plan run by the office of the mayor of Paris that creates temporary artificial beaches each summer along the river Seine in the centre of Paris. Every July and August, roadways on the banks of the river are blocked off and host various activities, including sandy beaches and palm trees.

[edit] History

French city-dwellers traditionally escape to the seaside or the countryside during the summer, especially in August. Paris is avoided, as the weather is unpleasantly hot and humid, and the centre is full of tourists. Nevertheless, each summer many residents are obliged to remain in the city, however reluctantly. The Paris-Plages scheme was instigated in 2002 by Bertrand Delanoë, the newly-elected Socialist Party mayor, as a haven for relieving the misery of those cooped up in the sweltering city.

Initially there was a single beach on the Rive Droite. In 2006 a second beach was added on the Rive Gauche, and the scheme's name changed from singular to plural.[1] Unlike many beaches in France, topless sunbathing is not permitted. Swimming in the Seine is also not permitted, for safety reasons.[2]

The scheme has proven a major success; the number of visitors has grown each year and topped four million in 2007. Every season, new features are added.[2] These include a shuttle ferryswimming pool, and another beach area at La Villette, in the northeast corner of the city. linking the two riverbanks, a floating

Le Touquet naming dispute

The name "Paris-Plage" was trademarked in 2002. In August 2006, the mayor's office sued the commune of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage for impinging on the trademark by using the phrase "Paris-Plage" in its tourism marketing. This was greeted with scepticism, since the commune's name dated from 1912, based on earlier popular usage. The case was dropped in 2008.[3][4]

An Apéritif is generally an alcoholic based drink one has before a meal, but doesn't always have to be alcoholic. I like the concept of chatting over a glass of liquid... a lot of times this is done outside, what better Parisian location than the Seine River itself.

Apéritif and digestif

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Apéritifs served with appetizers.

An apéritif (also spelled aperitif) is an alcoholic drink that is usually served to stimulate the appetite before a meal, contrasting with digestifs, which are served after meals. Apéritifs are commonly served with something small to eat, such as crackers, cheese, pâté, olives, and various kinds of finger food.[1][2] This French word is derived from the Latin verb aperire, which means “to open.”

A digestif is an alcoholic beverage that is taken just after a meal, purportedly as an aid to digestion — hence the name, which is borrowed from French. If a digestif is a bitters, it will contain bitter or carminative herbs that some believe will aid digestion.[3] In contrast to apéritifs, digestifs usually contain more alcohol.

Digestifs are usually taken straight (neat). Common choices are amari, bitters, brandy, grappa, herbal liqueur, limoncello, ouzo, tequila, and whisky.

Some wines (usually fortified wines) are served as digestifs — for example, sherry, port, and madeira.


The aperitif was introduced in 1846, when a French chemist, Joseph Dubonnet, created a wine-based drink as a means of delivering malaria-fighting quinine. The medicine is a bitter brew, so he developed a formula of herbs and spices to mask quinine's sharp flavor, and it worked so well that the recipe has remained well-guarded ever since. French Foreign Legion soldiers made use of it in mosquito-infested Northern Africa. Joseph's wife was so fond of the stuff that she had all her friends try it, and its popularity spread from there.

Some say that the concept of drinking a small amount of alcohol before a meal dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Main records, however, show that the apéritif first appeared in 1786 in Turin, Italy, when Antonio Benedetto Carpano invented vermouth in this city. In later years, vermouth was produced and sold by such well-known companies as Martini, Cinzano, and Gancia.

Apéritifs were already widespread in the 19th century in Italy, where they were being served in fashionable cafes in Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, Turin, and Naples. Apéritifs became very popular in Europe in the late 19th century. By 1900, they were also commonly served in the United States. In Spain and in some countries of Latin America, apéritifs have been a staple of tapas cuisine for centuries.

[edit] Types

Five glasses of apéritif.

There is no single alcoholic drink that is always used for an apéritif; fortified wines, liqueurs, and dry champagne are possibly the most common choices.

Sherry, a fortified wine, is a very popular apéritif. In Greece, ouzo is a popular choice; in France, pastis. In Italy, vermouth or bitters (amari) may be served; popular brands of bitters are Campari, Cinzano, Byrrh, and Suze. In the Eastern Mediterranean Arak is served with mezze.

and apéro and a sunset....nothing better than this.
exploring Paris....
Checking out window displays....

Eating famous falafels....from the take-out restaurant L'As Falafel in the Marais. mmmmmm
On August 28th I attended Rock En Seine

The Rock en Seine festival is a two or three-day Rock 'n roll festival, held at Domaine National de Saint-Cloud, Château de Saint-Cloud's park just outside Paris, inside the garden designed by Le Nôtre. It is the festival at which Oasis split up on the 28th August 2009 after Liam and Noel Gallagher had a fight just before they were due to headline the main stage.

I went to the concert alone because nobody else wanted to go with me... and I had to attend an out door concert in Paris! It was great!!!! I watched new and funky bands...

look up Paolo Nutini... he is Scottish awesomenessssss!!!
And of course... I saw K'naan :) ....again. I'll have you know he's performing AGAIN in Paris this November, but I don't think I'll be attending this time :) haha

Sundays in France are fabulous. In every town there is a market which sells fresh fruits, veggies, fish, meat, cheese, etc. I attend my weekly market here in Clamart... and usually invest in goodies such as these...

Luc and I decided one day to explore a famous garden here in Paris... called "Le Jardin des Plantes" it's great, it's got a great outdoor flora display, indoor tropical plants, great outdoor artwork, and a zoo with rare animals.
Here I am making art....
And here I am eating a disgraceful french crepe. If a french person saw the crepe that we were served in the garden, as well as the way I was eating it, they would just bow their heads in shame. We ordered crepes with Nutella for a treat... but instead got raw, sticky, pieces of flour with oozing Nutella coming out... I still ate it... but boy was it messy!
Here's a picture of the boat restaurant on the Seine River
Some lovey dovies enjoying a view of the Notre Dame
Me chillin' beside a door... not just any door, a door with French character...
Beautiful ...
Love locks that you will find on Paris bridges, with little notes like "Pierre et Francine= Amour"
HAhahahaha... me trying to get up on the Hotel de Ville wall... ohhhh goodness.
And I'm up!
And I'm posing....
And a kiss for you, you, and you!
I love these ever so French apartments!

Okay, so Luc and I have a family day every Sunday...because we both don't have family here, every Sunday when we're both in Paris we go for a walk to explore Paris and end our promenade at this fabulous sushi joint in the Marais. It's called Kyo and we are addicted to these salmon cones... would absolutely love these!!!! I know you love cones, but these are cones back home times 10.

Luc about to chow down...
The secret ingredient (aside from love) is the creamy cheese they put in them!!!!!! Only in France.....
This is part of my crew... Sergio on the left, me, Isabelle, Diogo, Roseni and another girl who we don't know!
These were taken outside the front of the Embassy!!!
My french besty/sista in Paris.. Isabelle aka Iza aka Izy aka Izo aka Iz!!!!!
It wouldn't be a Canadian Embassy if there wasn't a totem pole inside!!!
MOI! in the outside terrace which is on the inside of the Embassy... The Embassy is in the shape of a square and on the inside is a beautiful terrace. Every Friday there is something called cinq à sept (5 to 7) where they serve super cheap drinks and snacks and people just hang out after a long week at work... it's always a blast!!!!!
This was our night out for Roseni's birthday before she left for Brazil... Yay for birthday girls!
The crew at an Italian Restaurant!!!
Samir, myself, and Iza sportin our sunnies at night!
Watch for it... upside down glasses in the dark... Summer 2011.
Good times :)
Sergio and I!!! I love the picture... my hair looks fabulous!!!
Well... as summer comes to an end... the fun keeps going... good times with good friends in Paris- summer 2010!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fun you're having darling!!! look so happy!
